Laser Therapy
Sioux Center Chiropractic Wellness Clinic partners with LiteCure Medical to receive the highest quality products in Laser therapy technology. LiteCure is the most active provider of clinical research and ongoing clinical studies in the field of laser therapy. Contact us today for an introductory evaluation to determine if Deep Tissue Laser Therapy is right for you. Get back in action today, with Deep Tissue Laser Therapy.
Clinically Proven Pain Relief
Laser Therapy is clinically proven as an effective treatment for pain and inflammation. Able to penetrate to deep tissue structures, it has the ability to treat a wide variety of both acute and chronic conditions including low back pain, hip bursitis, and chronic conditions including low back pain, hip bursitis, chronic neck pain and more.
How Laser Therapy Works
Alternative To Drugs And Surgery
The non-invasive nature of Deep Tissue Laser Therapy provides a solution for those who are looking for alternatives to prescription drugs and surgery.
The Right Delivery Method
Deep tissue conditions are treated especially well using the LightForce™ Therapy Laser’s patented Laser-Massage® treatment head. This patented feature allows the practitioner to deliver energy while manipulating underlying tissue and muscle thus enhancing the effectiveness of the treatment.
What To Expect
Is Deep Tissue Therapy Right For You?
Providing a solution that did not exist before, Deep Tissue Laser Therapy has become preferred by those who have long sought relief without success. Its ability to impact pain on a cellular level provides pain relief for complex and simple conditions alike.